Coronavirus (Covid-19)
365 Fitness Club is currently open & operating as normal. Our trainers and Kensington Village centre management are closely monitoring the Covid-19 situation and following recommended advice from Australian Government Department of Health.
Our trainers will continue to take the necessary precautions to help protect the safety, health, and wellbeing of our gym members. We politely ask for all patrons entering the premises to practise the same hygienic efforts with the consideration of others. Thank you for your support.
What measures are we taking?
- We aim to increase the frequency of cleaning to the best of our abilities.
- Increasing the awareness to staff and team members to practice good hygiene
Open Hours and Classes
- Our gym is operating as normal. If changes are made please refer to our page: https://www.365fitnessgym.com.au/classes-timetable/ or contact us directly or on social media a few hours prior to confirm. We will aim our best to keep the classes normal unless specified otherwise by the Australian Government or associated Health organisations.
- Please be aware changes may occur last minute for personal reasons of staff.
Members Requirements
- As per previous requirements, we employ a strict ‘No Towel, No Training’ policy.
- After use of equipment please wipe down equipment thoroughly or sanitize equipment with tissues and sanitser provided. This includes training individually and in classes.
- If you notice members not practising good hygiene, we welcome other members to politely ask those members to act appropriately as a precaution for others.
- Where possible, please take the initiative to practice social distancing between other members while training. Current recommendation is 1.5 meters. If you can, please avoid physical contact.
- When coughing or sneezing please use a tissue and dispose of that tissue instantly in the nearest bin.
- If you experience any cold/flu symptoms or feel the onset of illness, please avoid attending the gym in the caring of others.
Pausing or Cancelling Membership
- With the current climate, we understand that you, your family, relatives is of upmost priority. Therefore if you feel the need to suspend or cancel you membership please contact us immediately phone 07 3205 3725 or email health@365fitnessgym.com.au. Please allow a few days for this to occur since debit dates may fall on a weekend or public holiday. If your debit is due on that day you require suspension or cancellation, we may not be able to implement the pausing/closing of the account prior to the bank debit.
Further information
If you require additional health information please refer to your Doctor, or 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84), or the Australian Government Department of Health homepage at www.health.qld.gov.au/coronavirus.